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Fred. Olsen jack-ups undergo upgrades

4C Offshore | Tom Russell
By: Tom Russell 14/12/2015 Fred.Olsen Windcarier
Fred. Olsen Windcarrier’s two specialist jack-up vessels, Brave Tern and Bold Tern, will undergo major upgrades within the next 12 months.

Brave Tern will be the first of the Terns to undergo the upgrades, having already arrived at the modification yard, Franklin Offshore, in Rotterdam, where Franklin Offshore and SRC Group AS are executing the modification.

“With offshore wind turbines growing in capacity, with a greater weight and larger rotor diameter, and increased hub heights, the vessels will need to be adapted to meet this need,” Even Larsen, Head of Commercial and Projects, said. “These modifications will ensure that our vessels are capable of handling the latest generation ‘multi MW’ offshore wind turbines.”

The upgrades include extending the jacking legs by 14m, making the legs 92.4m long. The cranes will also be prepared for a boom extension of up to 20m. This will include both an insert piece for the crane boom and an extension of the A-frame. The lifting height will become 120m from the main deck.

With the upgrades in place, the two Tern Class vessels will be capable of transporting 4 complete ‘multi MW’ turbines with full towers throughout the year in water depths of up to 55m – up to 60m in the summer.

For more information about the Brave Tern and Bold Tern jack-up vessels please follow the links provided. You can also view either of the vessels locations on our interactive map using the vessel activity tab.


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