19 businesses selected for offshore renewables supply chain programme

By: Mark Casey

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11/04/2024 F4OR

Nineteen businesses in the North East of Scotland have been selected for the successful Fit 4 Offshore Renewables (F4OR) supply chain support programme – ready to accelerate companies into the offshore renewable energy market.

F4OR North East is delivered by the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult, in partnership with the
Energy Transition Zone (ETZ Ltd), and this will be the fourth time the programme has run in the region.

Freda Miller, Supply Chain Programme Manager at ETZ Ltd, added: “ETZ is delighted to partner with ORE Catapult in delivering the F4OR programme to another cohort of 19 companies in North East Scotland.  The advice and expertise given to companies is of true quality and benefits the companies greatly during the process in achieving granted status and beyond.  We have had great feedback from participating companies in achieving fantastic results in the offshore wind industry.”

The 19 companies selected for F4OR North East come from a wide range of sectors including engineering, operations and maintenance, and energy connection technology.

Kevin Drewett, Director of Clean Energy at Wood, said: “As offshore wind continues to play a key role in the UK’s energy security strategy, industry partnerships focused on enabling better collaboration across the supply chain are critical to ensuring the renewables sector continues to grow. We now look forward to working with F4OR and the newly selected cohort to accelerate the development of projects that will propel us towards achieving the UK’s carbon reduction goals.”

F4OR is a 12-18 month programme, designed alongside industry experts, and it has experienced widespread success across the UK since it started in 2019. To date, five F4OR regional programmes have been delivered in the North East of Scotland, North East of England, East Anglia and Suffolk, alongside national programmes run across Scotland and UK-wide. Over 110 companies have been supported altogether, with participants experiencing an average 28% increase in turnover and many securing a wide range of new contracts.

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Mark Casey
Mark Casey

Social Media Manager

01502 307037 mark.casey@tgs.com