€200 million framework agreement inked for East Anglia Three

By: Kaitlin Walsh

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15/03/2023 Iberdrola

ScottishPower, part of the Iberdrola Group, and Haizea Wind Group, a world leader in the manufacturing of wind turbine towers, have today (15 March 2023) signed a €200 million framework agreement for Haizea Bilbao to supply 50 monopiles for the
East Anglia Three offshore wind project from its facilities in the Port of Bilbao.

Additionally, today multiple authorities including the Basque First Minister Iñigo Urkullu, the Chairman of Haizea Wind Group Dámaso Quintana and the Chairman of Iberdrola Ignacio Sánchez Galán have laid the first stone of the new manufacturing facilities, which will require an investment of more than €150 million.

At present, Haizea Bilbao's manufacturing plant in the Port of Bilbao has 48,000 square metres and 500 workers. After signing the latest contract with Iberdrola, Haizea Bilbao's plant will now be expanded to 200,000 square metres and will result in the creation of 350 direct new jobs.

The expansion consequently means broadening the scope of the existing concession granted by the Port Authority. Haizea Bilbao has three existing warehouses and will build another three, as well as adding a new additional storage area to accommodate the monopiles before they are delivered to transport vessels.

This agreement has meant that Haizea Wind Group has secured a workload in Bilbao in excess of €1.5 billion for the next four years, representing an important recognition of its technological and manufacturing capabilities.

The 50 monopiles that Haizea Bilbao will fabricate for Iberdrola will be used to support the wind turbines of the East Anglia Three offshore wind project, which has a total capacity of 1.4 GW and will supply clean energy to more than one million British homes.

With this agreement signed with Iberdrola, Haizea Bilbao will be responsible for the supply of materials, the engineering of the manufacturing process and also monopile production. This contract, alongside the expansion of Haizea's capacity in the Port of Bilbao, are in line with Haizea Wind Group's strategic growth plan with the aim of becoming a key player in the offshore wind energy value chain. Specifically, this is significant in securing a relevant position within the offshore foundation supply and manufacturing industry.

Additionally, the agreement with Iberdrola confirms the reliability of the plan developed by Haizea Bilbao over the past few years to position itself as one off the main manufacturers of offshore wind structures (foundations and towers), while consolidating the group's commitment to becoming one of the main global supporters to the wind industry. The Port of Bilbao will also strengthen its position as one of the most important offshore wind hubs in Southern Europe.

The Haizea Bilbao expansion works will be implemented by the Basque company Amenabar.

About the Author

4C Offshore | Kaitlin Walsh