ACP Statement on Monmouth Offshore Wind Opinion Poll

By: Chloe Emanuel

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The American Clean Power Association (ACP) issued the following statement by Moira Cyphers, Director of Eastern State Affairs, in response to the latest Monmouth University Offshore Wind Opinion Poll:

“After being subjected to a nearly year-long, well-funded and coordinated disinformation campaign that has attempted to threaten the economic and energy future of the Garden State, the majority of New Jersey residents support offshore wind development because the economic, environmental, and energy reliability benefits are substantial.

Offshore wind means thousands of jobs and good wages in the pockets of hard-working New Jersey families while developing projects that will deliver clean power and cleaner air to shore towns on the front lines of increasingly powerful storms, flooding, and beach erosion. We appreciate Governor Murphy’s continued commitment to offshore wind development as the industry works alongside New Jersey’s skilled workforce and communities eager to develop offshore wind for the future benefit of the Garden State.”

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037