AERO propells Italy's offshore wind

By: Chloe Emanuel

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06/12/2023 BlueFloat Energy

AERO, the Italian Association of Offshore Renewable Energies, proudly announces the official opening of its headquarters in the heart of Rome. Spearheaded by Fulvio Mamone Capria, AERO, since its inception in May, has united 13 industry-leading companies, including BlueFloat Energy and Renantis, in championing the advancement of Italy's offshore wind initiatives.

The inauguration marks a pivotal moment for the collective vision shared by AERO's founding members, emphasizing a resolute commitment to fostering Italy's offshore wind industry. Nestled near the Italian Parliament, the strategic location of the new offices underscores the concerted efforts to elevate Italy as a prominent player in offshore wind development and to engage policymakers and citizens alike in the industry's vast potential.

Recognizing Italy's key role in both securing clean energy and leading the burgeoning global floating offshore wind sector, AERO emphasizes the necessity of supportive policies and a comprehensive regulatory framework. The recent insights from the Floating Offshore Wind Community, a collaborative initiative featuring Renantis, BlueFloat Energy, FINCANTIERI, and Acciaierie d'Italia, presented at the 49th Cernobbio Forum, highlight Italy's significant potential for growth in this sector.

BlueFloat Energy, in partnership with Renantis, has been at the forefront of Italy's floating offshore wind development. Currently steering six projects—Minervia Energia, Kailia Energia, Odra Energia, Nora I & Nora II Energia, and Tibula Energia—the company's dedication extends beyond project execution to knowledge sharing and collaboration with the nation's stakeholders.

The recent inauguration event in Rome served as a catalyst for fostering dialogue and collaboration among AERO's members, industry peers, policymakers, academia, and other relevant institutions. BlueFloat Energy is proud to contribute to the evolution of a vibrant offshore wind industry in Italy and looks forward to a future marked by innovation and sustainable energy solutions.

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4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037