Consortium secures OCSS funding

By: Chloe Emanuel

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06/12/2023 GOV.UK

The Offshore Coordination Support Scheme (OCSS), aimed at advancing offshore energy projects and fostering coordinated options for offshore transmission, marks a pivotal milestone with the grant funding secured by a consortium comprising North Falls, Five Estuaries, and Sea Link.

The consortium has been granted an initial sum of up to £1.7 million, with the potential for additional funding of up to £11.7 million in the financial year 2024/2025. This funding, allocated through the OCSS, will aim to facilitate the exploration of coordination among two offshore wind farms and a bootstrap reinforcement to the GB grid. If adopted by developers, this initiative will mark a venture in the UK's offshore energy landscape.

Central to this project is the generation of invaluable insights into coordinating transmission infrastructure, offering vital lessons that can be disseminated across the sector and inform future policy endeavors. The knowledge gleaned from this initiative will significantly contribute to understanding how to deploy renewables effectively while minimizing the impact on local communities.

This initiative represents a pivotal moment in the evolution of offshore energy coordination, poised to shape the future of renewable energy deployment in the UK.

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037