Consultation open for Poseidon EIA

By: James Bernthal-Hooker

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12/05/2021 Zephyr
Zephyr has opened a consultation on its proposed offshore wind farm, Poseidon. The project is planned to be located off the west coast of Sweden, in the southern part of the Skagerrak.

The project area, about 40 km northwest of Gothenburg and within the Swedish economic zone, includes two sub-areas, Poseidon North (approximately 162 km2) and Poseidon South (approximately 35 km2).

The developer is planning between 61 and 94 turbines, with total heights of 260-340 metres, at the wind farm, and is hoping to use floating foundations, which it says will reduce impacts on benthic fauna and marine mammals. This technology is moreover a concession to the distance from shore and depth of the water. If all goes to plan, the wind farm will be operational around 2031, and will provide around 5.5 TWh of electricity, equivalent to one million households’ electricity consumption.

As Zephyr prepares to apply for a permit to establish and operate the wind farm and another permit for the associated cable networks, it is launching delimitation consultations. The period for consultation is 11th May to 23rd June 2021.

During the consultations, authorities, individuals, and the general public will be invited to submit comments, oinformation, and opinions on the content and design of the environmental impact, as well as the scope, design, and location of the project more generally. Dure to COVID-19 measures, the consultations will not be physical events and will be carried out via various online platforms.

Consultation documents (in Swedish) have been provided online.

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4C Offshore | James Bernthal-Hooker