COP28: Brazil and California join GOWA

By: Mark Casey

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The Global Offshore Wind Alliance (GOWA) has welcomed Brazil, California, the EU Commission and Panama into its membership at a ceremony at COP28 in Dubai.

The expansion adds 65 GW of declared target capacity to the Alliance, and positions it to play a crucial role in the expansion of offshore wind. The Global Offshore Wind Alliance is focused on providing the support countries need to turn ambitions into truly transformative action, which ensures offshore wind delivers on its potential as a key tool in the fight against climate change.

COP28 has seen at least 119 countries, so far, pledge to triple renewable energy capacity by 2030 – this will require the rapid expansion of offshore wind as a key tool in the new energy system that will be built this decade.

GOWA’s ambition is to drive the installation of at least 380 GW in 2030 and 2000 GW in 2050 in order to support the global energy transition and reach climate neutrality.

To enable this, GOWA will work with its members to build clear financing frameworks, unlock the supply chain and share expertise around marine spatial planning.

GOWA has an opportunity to demonstrate best-in-practice collaboration that can set the world on course for its Net Zero targets.

Denmark’s Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy, Dan Jørgensen, welcomed the new GOWA members and added, “The expansion of offshore wind is absolutely fundamental to the world reaching the tripling target. The Global Wind Energy Council is delighted with the ambition set out by the COP28 pledge and GOWA provides the perfect toolset for delivering transformative action at the pace the world needs to stay on course for net zero.“

The continued expansion of the diverse and dynamic group of public and private sector members ensures the Global Offshore Wind Alliance is a key asset in making offshore wind a mainstream energy power source.

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4C Offshore | Mark Casey
Mark Casey

Social Media Manager

01502 307037