Copenhagen Energy welcomes WA offshore wind timeline

By: Chloe Emanuel

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30/08/2023 Copenhagen Energy

Danish renewable energy experts Copenhagen Energy has welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement on consultation for WA’s first offshore wind zone.

Federal Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen today said a Perth/Bunbury zone would be opened for consultation in November.

Copenhagen Energy has submitted plans for initial consideration under the EPBC Act for three offshore wind farms in WA with its Leeuwin Offshore Wind Farm planned for Commonwealth waters between Mandurah and Bunbury.
Development Manager, Australia, Joy Francis-Hayes said today’s announcement was important for the development of a new offshore energy sector in WA and would provide certainty to the market.

Copenhagen Energy has been involved in project design, initial environmental, economic and social studies, offtake discussion and stakeholder engagement for its Leeuwin project for more than two years.

“Momentum is growing for offshore wind in WA and today’s announcement is a positive step as we continue our planning,” Ms Francis-Hayes said.

“Offshore wind power has a lot to offer WA environmentally, socially and economically. Our projects will help the State and Federal Government’s achieve their carbon-reduction targets, create new jobs and provide the impetus for regional development using local suppliers.

“Offshore wind will be an important part of WA’s future energy mix as it transitions from coal-fired power stations.
“We are committed to delivering a world-class offshore wind farm project for WA. We now have a clear timeline to consultation and beyond and we look forward to progressing our plans along with our stakeholders.”

Copenhagen Energy has also submitted plans for its Samphire Offshore Wind Farm, north of Perth, and Midwest Offshore Wind Farm, both in Commonwealth waters.

For more information about offshore wind farm projects across the globe, click here.

About the Author

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037