Danes forge wind alliance

By: Tom Russell

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The Danish Wind Energy Association has helped negotiate a declaration of intent between the Danish Government and members of the offshore wind industry. The agreement is aimed to support Denmark in the future to become a hub for the testing, development and production of wind technology and services.

The agreement was signed by the Danish Finance Minister Kristian Jensen as well as industry giants Ørsted, Vattenfall, Vestas, Siemens Gamesa, MHI Vestas. The parties also establish a dialogue forum with annual meetings to take stock of the Danish conditions for the industry and the continued growth in the industry.

The first step in the cooperation is an application by the Lindo Offshore Renewables Centre for Dkr50m (€6.7m) funding for another test bench to test the next generation of offshore wind turbines.

Furthermore, all parties have agreed to a forum which includes annual meetings to take stock in the development and discuss conditions in Denmark for the industry.

Danish wind energy association chief executive Jan Hylleberg said: “Wind energy is the cheapest technology to convert the world's community from black to green energy, and therefore the future also offers great growth in the global wind industry.

“With this declaration of intent, we aim for Denmark to continue to share in this growth, and especially when it comes development and testing of the future wind technology and services, where Denmark has a clear core competence.”

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4C Offshore | Tom Russell