Danish Energy Agency puts open-door projects on hold

By: Tom Russell

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06/02/2023 DEA
The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) has suspended the processing of offshore wind turbine projects and other renewable energy projects under the open-door scheme.

The Ministry of Climate, Energy and Supply has, in dialogue with the government's State Aid Secretariat, assessed that the granting of permits for offshore wind turbine projects and other renewable energy projects under the open-door scheme may be in breach of EU law.

The DEA has therefore put the case processing of all pending cases under the open-door scheme on hold until the scheme's relation to EU law has been investigated in more detail. The same will apply to any new applications.

Relevant parties involved have been informed and will continuously communicate to the actors about the further process for the individual cases.

In the open door procedure, project developers are responsible to establish an offshore wind farm of a self-selected size and in a self-selected location. The process starts when the DEA receives an unsolicited application from the project developer.

During the approval process, a project must secure three permits from the DEA before it can construct the wind farm. This includes a feasibility study permit, an establishment permit and a permit for utilisation of the energy. Each individual permit is awarded sequentially and is a prerequisite for the next one.

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4C Offshore | Tom Russell