Danish offshore wind farm Thor moves forward

By: Mark Casey

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RWE is ready to take the next step in the construction of its Thor Offshore Wind Farm. From mid-April to the end of October, the onshore cable works will be carried out at and around the onshore substation south of Lemvig.

The ground was broken at Thor offshore wind farm’s onshore substation in May last year.

The first part of the cable work will take place from mid-April to the end of June where horizontal directional drilling works will be carried out under the dune and a field immediately south of Tuskær.

The drilling works will take place at depths of more than 20 metres to protect and preserve the dunes. Further smaller horizontal directional drilling works will be carried out along the approximately 4 kilometres cable route between the onshore substation at Volder Mark and the beach to avoid road closures and impact on protected waterways.  

The landfall works are being carried out to enable two ducts to run under the dunes and the nearby field to prepare for cable pull-in next year.

East of Torsmindevej, the onshore cables will be divided into three phases each. They will be laid and buried during June and July and led to the onshore substation, where they will be connected.

The subsea cables that will be led to the shore are export cables from the offshore substation, which will supply the substation on land. The subsea cables will be installed and connected to the onshore cables in 2025.

RWE is building Thor Offshore Wind Farm in the Danish part of the North Sea, approximately 22 kilometres off Thorsminde.

To access more information on subsea cables for offshore wind and interconnector projects, as well as transmission intelligence, click here.

About the Author

4C Offshore | Mark Casey
Mark Casey

Social Media Manager

01502 307037 mark.casey@tgs.com