DemoSATH starts the generation of floating wind energy in Spain

By: Mark Casey

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Saitec Offshore Technologies

The DemoSATH project represents a significant milestone in the floating offshore wind industry, becoming Spain’s first floating offshore wind turbine to connect to the electrical grid, the 5th European floating technology with a turbine of over 1 MW installed in open sea, and the 3rd concrete-based technology to reach this level of development.

The platform, located 2 miles off the Basque coast, features a turbine capable of generating up to 2MW of renewable energy.

As a result of this project, floating offshore wind technology is being introduced as a new renewable generation technology in Spain’s energy mix for the first time. In August DemoSATH was installed offshore at the BiMEP testing area at Armintza in the Basque Country.

Subsequently, the connection of the existing static seabed cable to the motion-absorbing dynamic cable, and the link to the platform’s bow turret was successfully completed.

This achievement enables the transmission of the generated electricity into the electrical grid through the BiMEP substation, converting the force of the wind into clean renewable energy.

David Carrascosa, Chief Operation Officer at Saitec Offshore Technologies said. “The start of energy generation from DemoSATH marks a culmination in the project. We are proud of the work accomplished and of being the pioneers in Spain in providing renewable energy with a floating wind turbine.”

Sven Utermöhlen, CEO RWE Offshore Wind added, “We are glad to see that DemoSATH has been successfully commissioned. For us at RWE it is also another milestone on our way to unlock the great potential of floating wind globally, especially in countries with deeper coastal waters, like the US, France, UK, Norway and – certainly – Spain.

“DemoSATH enables us to gain early experience for our future commercial-scale developments. Its unique concrete-based platform and single point mooring design further broadens our knowledge on innovative floating wind concepts.”

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Mark Casey
Mark Casey

Social Media Manager

01502 307037