Edda Wind welcomes new CSOV to fleet

By: Sue Allen

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12/09/2023 Edda Wind
Edda Wind

Edda Wind has taken delivery of its new Commissioning Service Operations Vessel (CSOV), Edda Nordri, and continuing its tradition using the Edda name.  “Nordri” comes from the Nordic mythology and represents one of the four characters (Nordri, Sudri, Vestri and Austri) holding up the sky after it was made by the Gods from the skull of Ymir.

The Lady Sponsor of the vessel is Mrs. Tone Lunde Bakker, CEO of EKSFIN - Eksportfinansiering Norge. «I am very excited and honored being the Lady Sponsor of this beautiful vessel. Edda NORDRI represents a new generation of vessels with a crucially important mission: to help provide more renewable energy and cut emissions. I am looking forward to following her duties.”

Edda Nordri is a purpose-built Commissioning Service Operation Vessel (CSOV) designed with unparalleled flexibility and operability, prepared for emission-free operations with a hydrogen-based propulsion system. The vessel will serve as mother vessel for wind turbine technicians as they perform commissioning and maintenance work on offshore wind turbines. The CSOVs is 88,3 m in length and can accommodate up to 120 persons in total.

Edda Winds CSOVs are designed to set a new standard in the offshore wind market. Every effort has been made in the design to maximize the efficiency of operations in the wind farm. In addition, these vessels will be ready for running emission-free on a hydrogen-based propulsion system. Within just a few years they will be the first CSOVs operating without carbon emissions, truly enabling a green future.

Edda Nordri was delivered by Gondan Shipbuilders to Owners 7th  September and will be ready for operations in Q4/23. “Edda Nordri is number three of six sister vessels to be delivered by Gondan and I am very happy to present the vessel and the quality today. I want to thank everyone contributing to making this day so special. Thank you to Gondan Shipbuilders for their effort in building this vessel, and same to all others who have worked on this project. Also, a big thank you to Tone Lunde Bakker for doing us the honor of being the Lady Sponsor. The Edda Wind fleet is growing rapidly according to the company’s fleet expansion plan, and we will have a fleet of fourteen vessels in 2026”, says Kenneth Walland, CEO Edda Wind.

Further, Gondan together with Edda Wind will launch the next vessel, build no. C492 15 September, a vessel that will be completed in Q2/24.

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Sue Allen