ElecLink and GridLink interconnectors are moving ahead.

By: Rameeza Haq Duggal

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29/05/2021 4C Offshore
Two proposed HVDC links between UK and France, ElecLink and GridLink have shown great progress in H1-2021. The two links represent  2.4 GW of transmission capacity between the two countries.

GridLink has initiated tender for site preparation works, for a converter station at Kingsnorth in Kent. The scope of the work includes all design, engineering, procurement, manufacture, supply, site preparation, civil works, construction and installation required for the remediation and enabling work at Kingsnorth site.

The first element of the work covers land clearance, soil remediation, bulk excavation and backfilling of a 4.4 hectare (ha) site area, for the preparation of a working platform. The second element involves the preparation of a 1.6 ha site for a temporary construction laydown area. And the third work element includes the preparation of a 1.2 km access road. The work is scheduled to start by 30 September 2022.

GridLink is a 1.4 GW HVDC interconnector spanning 160 km which is scheduled to go online by 2025. The 525 kV link has already obtained planning permission for the construction of the converter station and associated works at Kingsnorth in Kent from Medway Council. GridLink has applied for Environmental Authorisation and Maritime Public Area Utilisation Rights in France, and the decision on the application is expected in Q1-2022.

Meanwhile, another under-construction link between UK and France, the 1GW
ElecLink completed the cable installation phase on 25 May 2021. The 320 kV HVDC project is expected to commission by mid-2022.

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4C Offshore | Rameeza Haq Duggal