EMO to establish Mekur base

By: Tom Russell

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23/10/2017 EMO
EMS Maritime OffshoreMerkur Offshore GmbH has signed a contract with EMS Maritime Offshore B.V. (EMO BV), a Dutch subsidiary of EMS Maritime Offshore GmbH, for the construction and operation of a service base in Eemshaven, Netherlands.

The base will consist of a 600m² warehouse, and 500m² office area spread over two floors. Facilities include meeting rooms, changing rooms, showers, common rooms and kitchen. The base will be used to coordinate maintenance and service operation for the Merkur offshore wind farm from spring 2018.

GE Renewable Germany GmbH, a subsidiary of GE, will use the base to service the 66 Haliade 150-6MW turbines at the site; part of GE's service and maintenance contract.

“Eemshaven is a great location in order to support the turbines in the wind farm effectively. Moreover, it was important for us to find a partner, which convinces us through service, competency and flexibility”,
says Markus van Hümmel of Merkur Offshore GmbH.

Merkur will cover a 47km² area and is located approximately 45km north of the Borkum island in the North Sea. The project reached Financial Close on the 12th August 2016 and will have a 396MW capacity.

Monopile installation at the site was completed by GeoSea using jack-up vessel Innovation. A2SEA will deploy a vessel in the coming months for the installation of transition pieces. The turbines will also be installed by GeoSea, a DEME Group subsidiary, as part of its balance of plant contract for the project.

Completion of the wind farm is scheduled for the end of 2019 and it is expected to provide renewable energy to around 500,000 households annually.

EMO BV's Terminal at Eemshaven covers an area of 33,000m² and is directly connected to the waterfront. EMO BV started the operation in spring 2015 and has been developing the new area since.  In addition to operating a floating dock, EMO co-ordinates the deployment of its crew transfer vessels from here.  

The warehouse and the office building for Merkur Offshore GmbH and GE is the second project which is being realised and financed within a short period of time. Back in October 2016, EMO began operations of a service hub on behalf of Siemens Gamesa at at the Beatrix Harbour.

Furthermore, EMS Maritime Offshore GmbH is supporting GeoSea’s marine coordination for the planning and construction phase of Merkur from Emden, Germany.

DEME Group confirmed today (23rd October) that the jacket foundation for the offshore substation at  Merkur was installed over the weekend.

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Tom Russell