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European Parliament calls for improved OW planning

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
By: Chloe Emanuel 18/12/2023 European Parliament

A new report from the European Parliament calls for several measures to support the continued growth of offshore wind energy across the EU, a key component of the European Green Deal's renewable energy targets.

The report highlights that meeting the EU's goal of 300 GW of offshore wind capacity by 2050 will require allocating up to 60,000 square kilometres of ocean space for wind farms. This expansion creates challenges around marine spatial planning and potential impacts on marine biodiversity.

To address these challenges, the report makes several recommendations. These recommendations include:

- Improving coordination between EU member states to develop coherent and integrated marine spatial plans that consider offshore wind farm locations, protected marine areas, and multi-use opportunities like fishing.

- Conducting research on the cumulative impacts of multiple wind farms to avoid disruption of species migration patterns and fishing activities. This includes studying the social and economic effects on fishing communities.

- Employing systematic planning approaches that integrate offshore wind with other ocean uses like fishing or aquaculture. This may require adapted policies from insurance companies to support fishing inside wind farm areas.

- Supporting continued research into making offshore wind turbines more compatible with conservation objectives to minimize the broader impacts on marine biodiversity.

"Offshore wind energy will play a pivotal role in meeting the EU's renewable energy and decarbonization goals," said the report's lead author. "With careful planning and research, offshore wind can coexist sustainably alongside economic uses like fishing while also protecting fragile marine ecosystems."
The report will help inform upcoming policy and research initiatives in support of the European Green Deal.

For more information about offshore wind farm projects across the globe, click here.


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