Five offshore wind developers sign mutual cooperation agreement with fishing communities

By: Chloe Emanuel

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24/04/2024 BadaEnergy

Five developers involved in the Ulsan floating offshore wind project site, along with the Ulsan floating offshore wind power fishermen’s countermeasures committee, and Ulsan Suhyup, have signed a cooperation agreement, accelerating the construction of what is anticipated to be the world’s largest floating offshore wind farm cluster.
On 23rd of April, the parties involved gathered at the Ulsan Chamber of Commerce and Industry to sign the agreement, which aims to expedite the project by fostering cooperation throughout all phases of development, including but not limited to conducting onshore and offshore surveys, acquisition of permits and approval, securing resident support, construction, operation, and maintenance. This partnership is expected to minimise development time and facilitate quicker project progression, generating clean energy from the offshore wind cluster faster.
A key focus of the agreement is to strengthen community relations a cooperative model is being developed to solidify this relationship, which includes engaging stakeholders to gather their insights.
Ulsan Fisheries Cooperative will play a critical role in the consultation and coordination process between the five offshore wind developers and the Ulsan Floating Offshore Wind Power Fishermen’s Countermeasures committee for the success of the Ulsan floating offshore wind power project and will also actively reflect the interests of other fishermen's organizations
The Chairperson of Ulsan Floating Offshore Wind Power Fishemen’s Countermeasures Committee Si Hyan OH said “Our fishermen have been deeply divided and embroiled in conflicts, but the recent mutual cooperation agreement provides a foundation to unite them once again. Going forward, we are committed to actively listening to the fishermen's input and integrating it into our mutual benefit programs to ensure that we prosper together in a tangible way.”
The Chairperson of Ulsan Floating Offshore Wind Association (Project Director for KF Wind) Austin Park expressed optimism that this agreement will serve as a model for community-focused development and contribute significantly to the regional economy. He also highlighted the projects’ potential to help Korea achieve its carbon neutrality goals and strengthen the nation's industrial competitiveness by providing stable renewable energy to exporting companies.
The Ulsan floating offshore wind cluster, located about 60-100km east of Ulsan in Korea’s Exclusive Economic Zone, plans to have a total capacity of up to 6GW. In April last year, five project developers launched the Ulsan Floating Offshore Wind Power Council to facilitate smoother cooperation and joined the Ulsan Chamber of Commerce as special members. The developers, backed by global companies known for their safety and efficiency, consist of Equinor & Bandibuli Energy, Ocean Winds and Mainstream Renewable Power & KF Wind-East Blue Power, CIP & Haewoori Offshore Wind 1,2,3, BadaEnergy & Gray Whale Offshore Wind Power 1,2,3 and Munmubaram.

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4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037