German transmission system operators unveil plans for networked offshore grid

By: Tom Russell

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27/02/2023 BMWK
German transmission system operators (TSOs) 50Hertz, Amprion, TenneT and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK), have presented initial plans for networking projects in the North Sea. 

In the future, connection lines from offshore wind farms with a total output of 10 GW are to be networked with each other. Plans also include connections with neighbouring European countries, such as Denmark and the Netherlands. 

Federal Minister Robert Habeck said: “The energy transition is benefiting enormously from increased networking with neighboring countries. With additional grid connections, more cost-effective electricity from renewable energies can be imported to Germany. At the same time, we have to curtail less electricity. The plans presented today show how we will transform the energy system in close cooperation with our European neighbors. Wind energy at sea will play a crucial role in the climate-neutral energy system.”

According to BMWK, by networking offshore wind farms significantly more electricity from renewable energies can be integrated into the pan-European system. For Germany, this increases the security of supply, since additional amounts of electricity can be imported from neighboring countries at times of high electricity demand.  In times of high electricity demand, electricity prices are also lower than without networking. If the demand for electricity is low and renewable energy production is high in Germany, renewable electricity can also be exported. In this way, curtailment of German wind farms can be avoided.

In the next step, the TSOs aim to implement their plans for networking offshore wind farms into official German and European planning processes. 

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4C Offshore | Tom Russell