Government admits 4 year DCO delay

By: Chloe Emanuel

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23/11/2023 AQUIND

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities has made a startling admission regarding the persistent delays in major infrastructure planning across the UK. In a statement issued, the Department acknowledged the need for expedited infrastructure development, citing concerns over the sluggish pace, bureaucratic hurdles, and uncertainties plaguing large-scale projects. Highlighting the decelerated planning system, the Department pointed out that some significant ventures now require an excruciating four years to reach a final decision.

The full statement released by the UK Government can be accessed

Among the projects grappling with this protracted process is the AQUIND Interconnector ENERGY SUPER-HIGHWAY, a £1.35 billion endeavor aiming to link France and Great Britain. Submitted for a Development Consent Order (DCO) on November 14th, 2019, the project remains pending, marking a distressing four-year wait.

Richard Glasspool, Director at AQUIND, expressed deep concerns, stating, "Consent regimes have transformed into convoluted labyrinths, dissuading stakeholders from spearheading significant energy transition infrastructure. Numerous energy projects, including the AQUIND Interconnector, suffer from prolonged Development Consent Order (DCO) timelines."

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4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037