Great Exhibition of the North opens

By: Matthew White

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25/06/2018 ORE Catapult
ORE CatapultUK Minister for Arts, Heritage and Tourism, Michael Ellis MP, has opened the Great Exhibition of the North with an up-close virtual reality inspection of one of the largest offshore wind turbines in the world.

Mr. Ellis visited the Immersive Hybrid Reality (iHR) Offshore Wind Turbine, part of the Get North Innovation Trail, and was able to make a full and up-close inspection of all parts of the machine, checking for faults from its foundations to the top of its nacelle, some 110m above the waves.

The iHR Offshore Wind Turbine, based on the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult’s 7MW Levenmouth Demonstration Turbine in Fife, has been developed as a training tool to hone the skills of the next generation of engineers in the growing offshore wind sector.

It has been adapted for display as part of the Great Exhibition of the North by project partners ORE Catapult, Heriot-Watt University (CyberBuild Lab), Animmersion UK limited, and the Energy Skills Partnership.

Following the Great Exhibition, the iHR kit will be transferred to Newcastle College, where it will become a part of the apprentice training programmes.

About the Author

4C Offshore | Matthew White