Grid access option for Ireland's Oriel and Arklow Bank 2 projects

By: Sue Allen

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06/12/2023 CRU
Today, Ireland's Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) published its decision paper on the grid access pathway for Phase 1 offshore wind projects that were unsuccessful in the ORESS 1 capacity auction earlier this year. The paper outlines the route and conditions to be met by the Merchant Phase 1 projects in order to seek a grid connection offer from EirGrid.  

The projects are considered to be well placed to progress development as they already have Grid Connection Assessments (GCA) and Maritime Area Consents (MAC), as these were required to participate in the auction. These are also needed to apply to the planning authority, An Bord Pleanala ((ABP), for Development Consent..

To seek grid connection from EirGrid, the developers must confirm a route to market before the end of June 2024, and submit the planning application before the backstop date in the MAC. This is 18 months from the award last December, i.e. before 23rd June 2024.

The decision paper effects two projects - 375 MW Oriel owned by JERA, ESB and Orsted, and 800 MW Arklow Bank 2 owned by SSE.

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Sue Allen