Hexicon take over South Korean floating offshore wind project

By: Mark Casey

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22/02/2024 Hexicon
Hexico Floating Wind

Today Hexicon AB (publ.) signed a Sales and Purchase Agreement (SPA) to take full ownership of MunmuBaram Co., Ltd. from its joint venture partner Shell Overseas Investments B.V.

Under the agreement, Hexicon AB will increase its stake in the project from 20 % to 100 %, increasing the project portfolio by 900 MW.

The MunmuBaram project, originally initiated by the joint venture Hexicon Korea in 2018, is developing a 1.125 GW floating offshore wind farm, planned off the coast of Ulsan City in the southeastern region of South Korea.

Hexicon’s full ownership of the MunmuBaram project is enabled through the support of Glennmont Partners, one of Europe’s largest infrastructure funds focused on clean energy. The commitment in the agreement falls within the existing framework of Hexicon’s Glennmont loan facility. The purchase price for the acquisition will be paid with a first down payment of US$5 million. In addition, the SPA includes a profit-sharing arrangement of up to US$50 million over a three-year period.

“South Korea continues to be a leading market with good conditions for the development of floating offshore wind. Through this transaction, South Korea remains a core market for Hexicon and strengthens our position as a leading global developer of floating offshore wind,” says Marcus Thor, CEO of Hexicon AB.

In the short term, Hexicon will reallocate resources to optimise value in the project whilst working in close collaboration with Shell to ensure a smooth transition. Once concluded, the Munmubaram project will represent ~15% of Hexicon’s net portfolio in terms of megawatts (MW).

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4C Offshore | Mark Casey
Mark Casey

Social Media Manager

01502 307037 Mark.Casey@4coffshore.net