Hywind Tampen secures further funding

By: Tom Russell

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23/08/2019 Equinor
Enova has approved an application for funding of up to NOK 2.3 billion to support the Hywind Tampen project. The floating wind farm is poised to be the first project in the world for supplying electricity generated by floating wind turbines to oil and gas platforms.

Hywind Tampen is to consist of 11 wind turbines with a total capacity of 88 MW. The wind farm is expected to meet around 35% of the annual demand for electricity of the five platforms: Snorre A and B and Gullfaks A, B and C. In periods of strong wind, the percentage could be higher.

“The support that the licences have received for the Hywind Tampen project demonstrates the will of Norwegian authorities to invest in and develop floating offshore wind farms and renewable energy supplies. With this support we have taken an important step forward in realising the project. Now it is up to the licences to further mature the project towards a final investment decision this autumn,”
says Pål Eitrheim, executive vice president for New Energy Solutions in Equinor.

Earlier the Business Sector’s NOx Fund decided to support the Hywind Tampen project by an investment grant of up to NOK 566 million.

“The Hywind Tampen project will contribute to further developing floating offshore wind technology and reducing the costs of future floating offshore wind farms, offering new industrial opportunities for Norway, the licences and Norwegian supplier industry in a growing global offshore wind market,”
says Olav-Bernt Haga, project director for Hywind Tampen.

The seven partners in the Snorre and Gullfaks licences are planning to make a possible investment decision for the Hywind Tampen project during the autumn of 2019.

Equinor commissioned its first floating offshore wind farm in Scotland in 2017. The 30 MW
Hywind project aims to demonstrate the feasibility of future commercial floating offshore wind farms in deepwater sites with optimal wind conditions. The array covers an area of about 4.2km² and features five SWT-6.0-154 turbines, each with a 6 MW turbines. It is expected to provide renewable energy to 20,000 households annually.

For more information on floating offshore wind farms worldwide,
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About the Author

4C Offshore | Tom Russell