Intertek and NIRAS score energy islands contract

By: Tom Russell

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08/06/2021 Intertek
Intertek has announced that it has been appointed by Energinet to undertake constraints analysis, consenting advice, and cable route and landfall assessments for the Energy Islands, which will be Denmark’s largest ever construction project.

The project will include 3 GW of offshore wind farm assets: an energy hub (artificial island) 80 km offshore to facilitate substation functionality in the North Sea, export cables to Denmark (Jutland), and a subsea interconnector cable to the Netherlands or Belgium. The target for the project is to deliver commission-for-operation approval by the end of 2030, beyond which the ambition is to increase capacity in the North Sea hub to 10 GW.

Intertek has joined forces with subconsultant NIRAS to deliver the work. Intertek and NIRAS will undertake a technical assessment to establish the basis for a subsequent and staged process toward consent applications, offshore surveys, environmental investigations and risk assessments related to installation and operation. Intertek will develop the cable routes for the offshore energy hub and identify landfall cable connection points in line with the client's technical specifications.

Andy Page, Intertek Energy & Water’s Site Characterisation and Engineering Lead, said: “We are proud and excited to be providing expert technical assessment and quality assurance for this pioneering and historical project, helping Denmark to not only achieve its 2030 target of a 70% reduction in 1990 greenhouse gas emissions, but also to become carbon neutral by 2050’’.

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4C Offshore | Tom Russell