Mayflower Wind and Anbaric ink transmission agreement

By: Tom Russell

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28/05/2021 Mayflower Wind
Mayflower Wind and Anbaric Development Partners (Anbaric) have announced an agreement for Mayflower Wind to use transmission assets developed by Anbaric to bring offshore wind to Brayton Point.

Mayflower Wind is a 50/50 joint venture between Shell and EDP Renewables. In October 2019, it was selected by the commonwealth’s electric distribution companies to provide 804 MW of offshore wind energy. The project is expected to start generating power in the mid-2020s. It will bring offshore wind energy from its federal offshore energy lease area to Brayton Point using use high voltage direct current technology. This aims to minimise marine cabling, reduce energy losses, and strengthen the New England grid.

The use of the existing grid connection is expected to help set in motion the development of supporting infrastructure at Brayton Point needed to revitalize the former coal plant site and enable Somerset and the South Coast to benefit from the rapidly expanding offshore wind industry. This cable landing in Somerset will supplement Mayflower’s long-standing and continuing efforts in Falmouth on Cape Cod.

“Mayflower Wind is committed to helping Massachusetts and New England achieve their ambitious clean energy goals,”
said Mayflower Wind's CEO, Michael Brown. “The transmission infrastructure at Brayton Point initially developed by Anbaric and now owned by Mayflower, will help us make those goals a reality. We look forward to collaborating with the community as we invest in and develop this project to bring clean energy to Brayton Point and beyond.”

“We are thrilled to be collaborating with Mayflower Wind to bring our unique expertise to scale offshore wind and achieve renewable energy goals,”
said Anbaric's CEO, Clarke Bruno “Brayton Point is a unique site to bring offshore wind to our shores while also bringing infrastructure investment and responsible development to the local community.”

“This marks the beginning of positive change for Brayton Point, and puts this piece of land on a path toward becoming a thriving hub for offshore wind,”
said State Representative Haddad. “Anbaric had the early vision to bring offshore wind to Brayton Point. Repurposing this valuable grid infrastructure for offshore wind is the first step to growing the industry right here in Somerset and realizing a vision that has been years in the making.”

“The South Coast has a rich history of changing with the times and finding new ways for our communities to thrive and succeed,”
stated State Senator Michael J. Rodrigues (D-Westport). “As a new and exciting opportunity for our region, offshore wind will build a path to prosperity, tapping into the ocean as a resource that has so long been the mainstay of our economy and our culture. With today’s announcement, Brayton Point is going to play a major role in our clean energy future, ensuring Somerset and the entire South Coast will benefit from the rapidly expanding offshore wind industry here in the Commonwealth.”

About the Author

4C Offshore | Tom Russell