New record for UK Renewable generation

By: Tom Russell

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14/02/2019 4C Offshore
The UK Government has released figures on electricity generation in 2018. Almost a third (33.1 per cent) of electricity in the UK was generated by renewables in 2018 Q3, a new record. This was up 3.1 percentage points on the share in 2017 Q3, largely due to increased renewable capacity, as well as overall generation being slightly lower according to the UK Government.

Renewable electricity generation was 25.0 TWh in 2018 Q3, an increase of 10 per cent on 22.7 TWh in 2017 Q3. However, renewable electricity generation was still down on the previous three quarters.

Wind energy provided the lion's share of renewable energy generation in 2018 with offshore wind accounting for 6.6 per cent of overall electricity generation and onshore providing 7.5 per cent. Bioenergy followed closely behind, providing 11.9%

Offshore wind generation overall in 2018 reached nearly 5.0 TWh, an increase of around 26 per cent year on year (it was 4.0 TWh in 2017). The government attributed this to a 30 per cent increase in capacity for offshore wind in 2018, which more than outweighed reduced wind speeds during the quarter. Onshore wind generation decreased slightly, by 0.6 per cent, due to lower wind speeds with an increase of capacity of 4.9 per cent compared to 2017.

Offshore wind in the UK currently delivers an excess of 7GW of energy to the UK, with nearly 2GW of projects under construction. This includes the world's largest offshore wind farm,
Hornsea Project One, which generated first power today (14th February 2018).

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Tom Russell