National Grid shares Norfolk net zero project proposals

By: Chloe Emanuel

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23/04/2024 National Grid

National Grid is inviting communities in East Lindsey, Boston and South Holland in Lincolnshire, and King’s Lynn and West Norfolk, to view proposals for two new primarily offshore electricity infrastructure projects. National Grid will consult communities from 23 April - 17 June to introduce the proposed project and ask for local peoples’ opinions.

Eastern Green Link 3 (EGL 3) and Eastern Green Link 4 (EGL 4) will be able to transport enough clean energy generated in Scotland to power up to four million homes in the Midlands and South of England. The projects form part of The Great Grid Upgrade, the largest overhaul of the grid in generations, with new infrastructure across England and Wales helping the UK to meet its net zero ambitions, reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and contribute to lower energy bills over the long-term.

National Grid is inviting communities to comment on early proposals for two green electricity infrastructure projects which will help deliver the UK’s energy security strategy and net zero targets. The eight-week initial consultation, which begins on 23 April, shares proposals for Eastern Green Link 3 (EGL 3) and Eastern Green Link 4 (EGL 4) projects – two new, primarily subsea high voltage direct current (HVDC) electricity links, with associated infrastructure, between Scotland and England.

National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) is jointly developing EGL 3 with SSEN Transmission (SSEN) and EGL 4 with SP Energy Networks (SPEN). EGL 3 would run from Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, under the North Sea via marine cables to a potential landfall location on the Lincolnshire coastline, either at Theddlethorpe or Anderby Creek. EGL 4 would run from Westfield, Fife, also via marine cables under the North Sea to the same landfall location as EGL 3. 

After making landfall, both projects’ cables will run underground for approximately 100km to two proposed converter stations in the Walpole, King’s Lynn and West Norfolk, area. Underground cables would then connect the converter stations to the transmission network via a new proposed substation, also within the Walpole area. 

EGL 3 and EGL 4 are needed as the existing transmission network does not have enough capacity to securely and reliably transport the increasing amount of energy generated in Scotland, particularly from offshore wind.  The links would transport enough clean energy from Scotland to power up to four million homes in the Midlands and the South of England, playing an important role in building a more secure and resilient future energy system.

Consulting on both projects together gives local communities the opportunity to see how proposed electricity infrastructure in the region can be linked together, and the potential opportunities for co-locating elements of each project, both buildings and underground cables.

EGL 3 and EGL 4 are both separate to the Grimsby to Walpole project, which is a proposal for 90 miles of new onshore electricity transmission line needed to reinforce the electricity grid and connect a number of onshore generation projects as well as subsea cable links, interconnectors, and two offshore wind farms.

Consultation event details can be found via the National Grid website.

To access more information on subsea cables for offshore wind and interconnector projects, as well as transmission intelligence, click here.

About the Author

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037