North Sea - Europe’s 'Green Power Plant

By: Chloe Emanuel

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21/11/2023 European Commission

In a momentous gathering in The Hague, nine North Seas countries alongside the European Commission convened at the annual North Seas conference, reaching a landmark agreement on a shared 'Action Agenda.' This agenda charts a course towards an integrated energy system by 2050, fostering a sustainable and resilient supply chain, and achieving a harmonious balance between energy development and nature preservation in the North Seas. This collaborative agreement aligns with earlier shared aspirations declared by the countries and the European Wind Power Package unveiled by the Commission in October. The North Seas are poised to become Europe's premier source of sustainable energy, cementing their position as a critical contributor to Europe's clean energy goals.

Participating in the meeting were Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the European Commission, with the United Kingdom attending as a guest. Over the past year, the Netherlands, in partnership with the European Commission, co-chaired the North Seas Energy Cooperation (NSEC), passing on this responsibility to Denmark.

Key Actions: Under the co-chairmanship of the Netherlands, a collective NSEC tender planning initiative has been launched, aiming to auction approximately 15 GW annually, awarding nearly 100 GW between this year and 2030. This initiative enhances predictability within the wind power sector, fostering collaboration in infrastructure development, including cables, pipes, and harbor infrastructure. Collaboration will also extend to sea-based infrastructure planning, with a shared plan by the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) set for release in January 2024, aligning with a European integrated energy system by 2050.

Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simon commented, "Offshore renewables will play a pivotal role in Europe’s energy future. The North Sea's leading role in their deployment positions it as Europe’s 'Green Power Plant.' Our joint discussions today reflect our commitment to drive forward our offshore ambitions and enhance the competitiveness of this crucial sector."

Dutch Minister for Energy and Climate Rob Jetten emphasized the need for coordinated action, stating, "We must develop North Sea offshore energy plans responsibly, in harmony with other North Sea users, and minimize ecological impact. Collaboration is key to our energy ambitions, and today marks the beginning of concerted actions to advance the sector."

Challenges and Recommendations: The offshore wind sector faces challenges such as inflation, resource price hikes, labor shortages, and complex licensing systems. A study by Royal HaskoningDHV, commissioned by the NSEC, underscores the pivotal role of harbors in offshore wind energy development. The study highlights the need for concerted efforts to address harbor capacity constraints, aligning with the European Wind Power Action Plan.

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4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037