NYSERDA concludes New York's third offshore wind solicitation without final awards

By: Chloe Emanuel

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22/04/2024 NYSERDA

In a significant development for New York's renewable energy sector, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has wrapped up its third offshore wind solicitation, marking both achievements and challenges in the state's ambitious green energy agenda.

Following the October 24, 2023 announcement, NYSERDA provisionally awarded contracts to three offshore wind projects, pending successful contract negotiations. These projects were poised to revolutionise New York's energy landscape:

- Attentive Energy One – A collaboration between TotalEnergies, Rise Light & Power, and Corio Generation, this project aimed to generate 1,404 MW.
- Community Offshore Wind – Developed by RWE Offshore Renewables and National Grid Ventures, this project boasted a capacity of 1,314 MW.
- Excelsior Wind – Developed by Vineyard Offshore, this project also targeted a capacity of 1,314 MW.

Additionally, NYSERDA provisionally allocated $300 million of grant funding to GE Vernova and LM Wind Power for nacelle and blade manufacturing in New York’s Capital Region, in conjunction with the awarded projects.

However, subsequent revisions to the projects introduced technical and commercial complexities, leading to difficulties in finalizing agreements between provisional awardees and their partners. Notably, GE Vernova's decision to alter its offshore wind turbine product from the initially proposed 18 MW Haliade-X platform to a 15.5/16.5 MW platform resulted in significant changes to the projects proposed into the solicitation.

As a consequence of these developments, no final awards will be granted, and the third offshore wind solicitation has been concluded. NYSERDA now aims to initiate a future competitive solicitation to address the evolving landscape of the offshore wind industry.

Regarding the $300 million in grant funding initially allocated, NYSERDA intends to make these funds available through a future competitive solicitation, furthering the development of the offshore wind supply chain in New York.
Undeterred by the challenges faced, NYSERDA remains steadfast in its commitment to advancing New York's offshore wind industry, aligning with the state's Climate Act goals and Governor Hochul’s 10-Point Action Plan. Plans for the next steps in this journey will be announced in due course, as NYSERDA continues its proactive approach in navigating the complexities of the renewable energy sector.

For more information about offshore wind farm projects across the globe, click here.

About the Author

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037 chloe.emanuel@tgs.com