Offshore wind farm planned in Colombia

By: James Bernthal-Hooker

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24/02/2021 Vientos Alisios
A new company in Colombia has proposed the South American republic’s first offshore wind farm.

The Colombian Martime General Directorate (DIMAR) issued Resolution 9 of 2021 in January. This authorizes Vientos Alisios to conduct pre-feasibility studies from the Port of Cartagena.

The proposed 200 MW wind farm, 15 km from the coast, is expected to use 35 turbines rated at 5-6 MW (illustration). Developers intend the project to enter construction in 2024 and come online by 31st December 2025.

Vientos Alisios Offshore Wind Farm Ltd is a consortium led by onshore developer Primoenergia. It is one of two developers currently proposing a wind farm off Colombian northern coast.

There is currently no offshore wind power in Colombia, but under its strategic plan, drawn up in 2019, the government is interested in pursuing it. In October 2020, the Undersecretary for Electric Power announced that the government is seriously considering offshore wind potential around Barranquilla and Cartagena.

This story was first reported exclusively for 4C Offshore subscribers. For more information, click here. To view projects on 4C Offshore's interactive map, click here.

About the Author

4C Offshore | James Bernthal-Hooker