OX2 plans new Swedish offshore wind farm

By: Mark Casey

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05/09/2023 OX2
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OX2 plans to develop a new offshore wind farm named Ran approximately 12 kilometers off Gotland's east coast within territorial waters.

Ran will be developed together with the Pleione energy park, which is located approximately 35 kilometers off Gotland's east coast in Sweden's economic zone.

The parks are expected to have a combined installed power of approximately 2.8 GW and will be able to generate approximately 13 TWh of fossil-free energy per year, which corresponds to approximately 9 percent of Sweden's current electricity use.

"The completed wind farms will contribute fossil-free electricity for households, industry and business while creating jobs and infrastructure within the Gotland region," says Emelie Zakrisson, OX2.

OX2 will apply for permission from the Land and Environment Court to build and operate the Ran Park. The consultation phase is planned to begin in September 2023.

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Mark Casey
Mark Casey

Social Media Manager

01502 307037 Mark.Casey@4coffshore.net