Petrobras presents projects to become the largest offshore wind developer in Brazil

By: Mark Casey

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14/09/2023 Petrobras

Petrobras will be the company with the largest offshore wind power generation potential in Brazil in terms of capacity filed with Ibama.

Petrobas filed a request with the environmental agency to give start to the licensing of ten areas in the Brazilian sea for the development of offshore wind energy projects.

Seven areas are in the Northeast region (three in Rio Grande do Norte, three in Ceará and one in Maranhão); two in the Southeast (one in Rio de Janeiro and one in Espírito Santo) and one in the South (Rio Grande do Sul).

Together, these areas, which will be evaluated, have a potential capacity for the development of offshore wind projects with up to 23 GW in total capacity.

The licensing request signals Petrobras’ interest in developing its own projects, in addition to partnership projects, such as the areas jointly studied with Equinor, as announced in March this year.  

This type of request to Ibama does not secure the right to the areas, which should only happen after a process to be conducted in accordance with the regulations currently under discussion in the National Congress.

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4C Offshore | Mark Casey
Mark Casey

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01502 307037