Pipe-lay to cable-lay for Orient Adventurer

By: Chris Anderson

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29/08/2023 Huisman
Huisman has signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) with Dong Fang Offshore (DFO)  for the delivery of a Cable Carousel and the option for a complementary Cable-Lay System. Initially, the Cable Carousel will be installed on pipelay vessel Orient Adventurer. Together with the existing Huisman Vertical-Lay System, the carousel will be deployed for subsea cable-laying projects in fixed and floating offshore wind.

The Cable Carousel has a storage capacity of 3,000mt and will be positioned below deck, maximising free space on deck. Huisman's engineering has adapted  the carousel design to utilise the Orient Adventurer’s hold capacity for cable-laying or pipe-laying. Huisman has based the proposed design on its existing carousel and storage components design with a view to reduce delivery times and technical risk. Delivery is scheduled for the first half of 2024.

Furthermore, DFO has expressed its intention to order a horizontal Huisman Cable-Lay System. This brand-new cable-laying concept is specifically developed by Huisman to be temporarily installed on if required on a multi-purpose offshore vessel. With this design, Huisman is responding to demands in the market to enhance the versatility of offshore construction vessels. For this reason, the system has been designed to be (de-)mobilised quickly and easily.

Polin Chen, CEO of Dong Fang Offshore (DFO) says: “This decision represents our continued commitment to invest in suitable, high quality enabling assets to support our customers’ operations, and ensuring that the domestic supply chain steps up to deliver cable installation solutions for the continued roll-out of green energy in Taiwan.”

Timon Ligterink, Commercial Director APAC of Huisman says: "We are excited to embark on this transformative journey with DFO. Signing this LOI with them not only solidifies our mutual commitment to innovation and excellence in offshore operations, but also symbolises our shared vision of pushing the boundaries of what's technically possible in offshore construction. Huisman is proud to be the catalyst for DFO's ambitions in cable-laying.”

Huisman has a track record in pipelay systems, tensioners and motion compensation systems and is now applying this knowledge to the development of cable-lay systems, both static and motion compensated.

About the Author

4C Offshore | Chris Anderson