Port of Hastings at the centre of Australia’s offshore wind construction

By: Mark Casey

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The Terminal is a key requirement to help achieve the State Government’s commitment of delivering 9GW of offshore wind energy generation capacity by 2040.

As Victoria transitions to a clean energy future, the Port of Hastings has the potential to play an important role in supporting Australia’s first-ever offshore wind farms, to be built in Bass Strait off the Gippsland Coast.

The Victorian Government has confirmed the Port of Hastings as the most suitable location for the establishment of the Victorian Renewable Energy Terminal (VRET) to facilitate offshore wind construction, subject to necessary approvals.

The proposed development of VRET is in the early stages, and no approvals have been granted.

The Port of Hastings Corporation will develop the project in consultation with Traditional Owners, local communities and industry, and including comprehensive assessments that recognise the important environmental, community and heritage values of Western Port.

The Port of Hastings Corporation (PoHC) has submitted its Environmental Referrals to the Victorian and Australian governments for the Victorian Renewable Energy Terminal at the Old Tyabb Reclamation Area (OTRA).

These Referrals are an important first step in defining the requirements PoHC will need to meet to receive state and federal government approvals for the project.

A Referral has been submitted to the Victorian Government (EES Referral) under the Environment Effects Act 1978 to determine if an Environment Effects Statement (EES) is required for the terminal project.

In addition, PoHC has submitted a Referral to the Australian Government which will determine whether the project will require formal assessment and approval under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).  

Offshore wind will support the switch to renewable energy and play a vital role in Victoria’s energy transition.

Victoria has set ambitious targets of 2 GW of offshore generation by 2032, 4 GW of offshore wind capacity by 2035 and 9 GW by 2040.

Developing specialised port infrastructure is critical to achieve these targets and support Victoria’s ambitions of establishing a prospering offshore wind sector over the next decade.

For more information about offshore wind farm projects across the globe, click here.

About the Author

4C Offshore | Mark Casey
Mark Casey

Social Media Manager

01502 307037 Mark.Casey@4coffshore.net