Power outages in Kontek cable and Greece- Italy Interconnector

By: Rameeza Haq Duggal

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27/05/2021 4C Offshore
Power outages in two separate HVDC cables have been reported. One concerns an interconeector between Greece- Italy and the other Kontek cable.  

Investigations into the power outage of the 400 kV HVDC link between
Greece- Italy are underway. The HVDC link will remain out of operation until the fault is fixed. With a 500 MW capacity, the 200 km HVDC link runs between Galatina in Italy and Arachthos in Greece. It was commissioned in 2001.

In a separate announcement it was revealed that the 600 MW
Kontek cable which link Demark and Germany will remain out of operation for five days, from 15 June 2021 to 20 June 2021, to repair a leaking cable joint. A cable joint inspection was carried out on 15 May 2021 and the link was out of service for approximately two days. The 170 km cable is a 400 kV link providing electricity transfer. The submarine part of the link (~50 km) was replaced in 2010, and site investigation are underway for 14 km land cable replacement on Germany side.

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4C Offshore | Rameeza Haq Duggal