Proposed Bunbury, WA offshore wind area: have your say

By: Chloe Emanuel

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The Australian Government are seeking feedback on the benefits and effects of future offshore wind development in a proposed area in the Indian Ocean off the Bunbury region in Western Australia. The area is at least 20 km from the coast, has quality wind resources and some relatively shallow waters.

A strong offshore wind industry in the region provides opportunities to:

- drive economic growth
- support and create thousands of jobs during construction and operation
- provide clean, reliable, affordable power to households, businesses, and industries
- help us reach net zero by 2050.

Western Australia is the sixth region to be considered as potentially suitable for future large-scale offshore wind projects in Australia. The first two suitable areas have been declared off Victoria’s Gippsland coast and the NSW Hunter region.
The proposals in the Southern Ocean Region off Victoria and South Australia, and the NSW Illawarra region have each completed their initial community consultation phase. The consultation period has closed for the proposal in the Bass Strait region off Northern Tasmania.

Future offshore wind project proposals must share the marine area with other users and interests. Feedback will help inform the Minister for Climate Change and Energy’s decision on whether this proposed area is suitable for offshore wind development. The consultation period closes on Friday 3 May 2024.

For more information about offshore wind farm projects across the globe, click here.

About the Author

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037