Report says UK path to Net Zero has narrowed

By: Mark Casey

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UK innovators must seize the opportunity of clean technology. The rapid deployment of low regret technologies, coupled with accelerated innovation in novel clean tech can deliver us to Net Zero in 2050, finds a new report from Energy Systems Catapult.

The analysis reveals that while there remains significant uncertainty about the pathway to a future energy system, the options are narrowing. Accelerating the deployment of key mature technologies such as offshore wind and solar, large-scale nuclear, and the electrification of heating in our homes and buildings at an even faster rate than we’ve witnessed in the past 10 years is essential to propel us to a Net Zero future.

The report says decarbonising the UK’s energy system will depend in large part on electrification, with final energy consumption across all scenarios ranging from 525TWh/yr to 619TWh/yr by 2050. This is double the size of the power system in 2024.

There will be a key role for offshore wind generation with between 33GW and 76GW installed, providing up to 53% of all UK electricity production by 2050.

Guy Newey, Chief Executive Officer at Energy Systems Catapult, said: “2050 is just 308 months away and while the path to Net Zero has narrowed, innovations in mature and novel clean tech gives us cause for optimism. Our modelling has demonstrated that we have credible pathways to Net Zero available to us. But we need to accelerate the pace and scale of deployment to levels not yet seen. There has never been a more exciting time to be a clean tech innovator, it will take unparalleled levels of innovation, combined with targeted investment to make Net Zero a reality. “

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4C Offshore | Mark Casey
Mark Casey

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01502 307037