Stromar Floating Offshore Wind Farm has successfully launched a floating Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) buoy.

By: Mark Casey

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13/09/2023 BlueFloat Energy
BlueFloat Energy

Stromar Floating Offshore Wind Farm has successfully launched a floating Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) buoy at its site.

The E38 EOLOS LiDAR was deployed at the Stromar site off the Coast of Caithness, around 50km from the Port of Wick.

Equipped with fully independent and remote sensing devices, the buoy will remain in the water for at least 12 months to capture accurate data on subjects such as wind speed and direction, ocean currents, tide, atmospheric pressure and air temperature.

All of which will help inform the wind farm’s design.

Stromar Project Development Director Nicholas Ritchie said: “This installation marks an important stage in the journey for Stromar and supports our ambition to bring a clean, green future to Scotland.”

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Mark Casey
Mark Casey

Social Media Manager

01502 307037