Sweden planning up to 10 GW of new connection points

By: James Bernthal-Hooker

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22/06/2022 Svenska Kraftnät
Sweden’s grid operator Svenska Kraftnät has announced plans for up to six offshore connection points off the Swedish coast. These connection points, to be built between 2029 and 2035, would help accommodate up to 10 GW of offshore energy, including wind power, into Sweden’s grid. This would be essential in Sweden meeting its net-zero goals.

Svenska Kraftnät was commissioned in Autumn 2021 to produce a plan for expanding the offshore transmission network. The scope of work changed in January, when it became responsible for expanding Sweden’s transmission network to sea areas where there is a good potential for offshore wind and other energy systems.

The grid operator is calling for site investigations, prior to preparing a maritime plan in 2025. These investigations will cover potential grid connection points, with capacities ranging from 1.2 GW to 2 GW, in the following areas:

·        South coast of Skåne/Southwest Baltic Sea

·        Halland/Kattegatt

·        Southeast Baltic Sea

·        Gothenberg

·        Southern Bothnian Sea

·        Gulf of Bothnia

Svenska Kraftnät anticipates a preliminary cost of kr30-42 billion.

This story was first reported exclusively for 4C Offshore subscribers. For more information, click here.

About the Author

4C Offshore | James Bernthal-Hooker