Taiwan's Greater Changhua 1 & 2a another step closer to completion

By: Chloe Emanuel

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06/11/2023 Orsted

Taiwan's renewable energy sector is celebrating a significant achievement as it nears the completion of the Greater Changhua 1 and 2a offshore wind farms.

Taking advantage of a favourable weather window, the project has now successfully installed more than 100 wind turbines, with less than ten turbines remaining to be installed.

This remarkable feat positions the Greater Changhua 1 and 2a offshore wind farms as Taiwan's largest offshore wind project, both in terms of the number of installed wind turbines and grid-connected capacity.

The Greater Changhua 1 and 2a offshore wind farms, boasting a combined capacity of 900 MW, are a testament to Taiwan's commitment to clean and sustainable energy sources. The completion of these projects marks a significant step forward in the nation's efforts to harness its offshore wind energy potential.

The team behind this accomplishment expresses their gratitude and extends heartfelt congratulations to everyone involved in making this milestone possible. Their dedication, hard work, and relentless pursuit of clean energy have brought Taiwan one step closer to achieving its renewable energy goals.

This achievement highlights the remarkable progress being made in Taiwan's renewable energy landscape and underscores the nation's position as a global leader in offshore wind energy. The Greater Changhua 1 and 2a offshore wind farms will not only reduce carbon emissions but also pave the way for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future for Taiwan.

For more information about offshore wind farm projects across the globe, click here.

About the Author

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037 Chloe.Emanuel@4coffshore.net