TWB II tender issued for repair campaign

By: Tom Russell

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Trianel Windkraftwerk Borkum II GmbH & Co. KG has issued a tender for the correction of defects on the Transition Pieces (TPs) for
Trianel Windpark Borkum II.

The tender covers the exchange of 17 ventilator fans drives on the TPs; and the mechanical retrofits on on handrails, swinggate stoppers, as well as WTG tower door bumpers and holders on main access platforms of 31 TPs; as well as the testing and re-setting of Draeger H2 / Cl sensors on 31 TPs.

The contract is expected to start on 1 October 2021 and last until 30 April 2022. It is to be broken into three phases: preparation, execution and, post-processing. The deadline for submissions is the 11:00 (local time) 21 June 2021.

Trianel Windpark Borkum II covers an area of 33 km2 and is located 45 km off the northern coast of Borkum Island, Germany. It officially went into operations in July 2020 with an overall capacity of 203 MW. Companies involved in the project are EWE AG with a share of 37.5% and a joint venture of the power utility of the city of Zurich with 24.51%. The municipal utilities cooperation Trianel, along with 17 municipal utilities from Germany, holds a share of 37.99%.

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4C Offshore | Tom Russell