Ulstein cuts steel for Acta Marine vessel

By: Tom Russell

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19/01/2023 Ulstein

The steel cutting ceremony of the first of two next-generation Methanol MDO/HVO powered DP2 Construction Service Operating Vessels for Acta Marine was arranged on 18 January 2023 at Turkish shipyard Tersan. The SX216 design of the vessel has been developed exclusively and in close collaboration with Ulstein Design & Solutions AS.

The steel cutting is the official kick-off for the construction of the Acta Marine Commissioning Service Operation Vessels (CSOVs) at the shipyard. The 89-metre-long vessels will be equipped with an SMST-provided motion-compensated crane and a motion-compensated gangway for personnel transfer in significant wave heights up to 3 metres. The CSOV will provide accommodation facilities for up to 135 people.

In addition to the Methanol MDO/HVO engines the vessels feature a battery power storage system aimed to create further energy efficiency and CO2 reduction.

These vessels are the first contracted to implement Ulstein’s TWIN X-STERN design. This design has several unique characteristics, but the main distinguishing features of the vessel are the two sterns and main propeller units at each end. Ulstein claims the combination of thrusters and symmetrical hull design results in lower energy consumption and reduced motions, and therefore, higher operability and comfort. It stated tha this concept improves the manoeuvrability and ability to stay in position. Further, the design reportedly allows for reduced noise, increased comfort on board and the potential to save significant amounts of energy in operation.

Together with the second newbuild CSOV, which will follow three months later, these vessels will be added to the Acta Marine fleet in the second quarter of 2024.

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4C Offshore | Tom Russell