Vattenfall opens EOWDC

By: Tom Russell

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07/09/2018 4C Offshore
Vattenfall has officially inaugurated the European Offshore Wind Deployment Center (EOWDC) off the coast of Aberdeen. As one of Scotland’s largest offshore test and demonstration facility, the 92.4MW EOWDC will trial next generation technology and aims to generate the equivalent of 70% of Aberdeen's domestic electricity demand.

The eleven wind turbines, two 8.8MW and nine 8.4MW, have the largest turbine capacity in commercial operation in the world. According to Vattenfall, one single rotor lap from the record 8.8MW turbine provides a British household with electricity for a full day.

Magnus Hall, CEO of Vattenfall, said: “Vattenfall is in Britain to grow. The success of our wind power investments over the past decade, and the ambition of Scottish and UK governments to transform the energy and transport sectors, give us confidence in our UK future. As we forge new partnerships in heat, e-mobility, retail, power distribution and wind over the next ten years we will be at the forefront of the UK’s decarbonisation of energy.”  

The technology for building the foundations of the turbine towers is also new. Instead of using traditional monopiles, a new technique has been used at Aberdeen Bay; known as suction buckets.

For studies of marine wildlife around wind farms, Vattenfalll and the EU have invested EUR 3 million to study the effect of offshore wind farms on dolphins, salmon, sea trout and sea birds.

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4C Offshore | Tom Russell