VENTI to commence construction for Nyuzen City wind farm

By: Tom Russell

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17/02/2023 4C Offshore

VENTI Japan Inc announced  construction for its
offshore wind farm off Nyuzen City, Toyama Prefecture will begin next month. The three turbine project is expected to be operational in August.

Installation of the foundations and MingYang Smart Energy
MySE3.0-135  turbines will both be done by the Shimizu Corporation's new-build vessel Blue Wind. The vessel will arrive end of March. Foundation installation is currently scheduled for April with turbine installation to follow in may. Cable installation is scheduled to take happening between April and June.

Whilst the project will have a total capacity of 9 MW, only 7.495 MW will be grid connected. Electricity will be sold to Hokuriku Electric Power Co., Ltd. based on a 20-year feed-in-tariff (FIT) of 36 yen/kWh.

Mitsui was previously an owner of the project but dropped out in 2019 to leave VENTI to develop the project alone. The company also a consortium member of Round 1 auction winning Yurihonjo offshore wind farm. Out of five bidders in the auction, the Mitsubishi-led consortium was selected as the preferred operator for a two-site 819 MW fixed-bottom offshore wind farm off the coast of Yurihonjo in Akita Preferecture.

This story was first reported exclusively for 4C Offshore subscribers. For more information, click here

About the Author

4C Offshore | Tom Russell