Vestas plans Scottish turbine factory

By: Chloe Emanuel

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17/11/2023 Vestas

Vestas Wind Systems A/S, a leading wind turbine manufacturer, is considering Scotland for the location of a new wind turbine factory. The company is looking to expand its operations in the UK, and the decision to establish a facility in Scotland is contingent on demand, Bloomberg reported.

Vestas has a track record of securing wind turbine orders in various countries, including Scotland, as part of its global operations. The company has announced orders for wind projects in Scotland, such as a 221 MW order, indicating its active involvement in the region.

Additionally, Vestas recently reached a milestone of 10 GW based on announced and unannounced orders in 2023, further highlighting its significant presence in the wind energy sector.

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4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

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01502 307037