We4Ce patents cost-saving blade root bushing repairs

By: Chloe Emanuel

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28/05/2024 We4Ce

Dutch company We4Ce has filed an international patent for its "Re-FIT" blade root bushings, designed for on-site repair of wind turbines. This innovation promises up to 60% cost savings and significantly reduces downtime.

Traditionally, damaged blade root bushings—a critical component connecting rotor blades to turbine hubs—require extensive repairs at the manufacturer’s facility. We4Ce's new method allows for on-site repair, extending the turbine's lifetime and avoiding the costly logistics and CO2 emissions associated with shipping entire blades.

Arnold Timmer, We4Ce's managing director, highlighted the rising issue of bushing damage, particularly in older turbines and offshore installations. The patented method involves dismounting the rotor blade on-site, precision machining to extract and replace the damaged bushings, and using a specialised bonding process to ensure a strong and uniform connection.

This new repair technique can service multiple blade sets within weeks, offering significant savings and efficiency. We4Ce has partnered with Danish CNC Onsite to implement these repairs, focusing on turbines with 40-60% of their lifespan remaining.

By addressing the critical structural integrity of blade root bushings, We4Ce's Re-FIT method supports the continued use of older wind turbines, presenting an environmentally friendly alternative to scrapping

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037 chloe.emanuel@tgs.com