Wood Thilsted named designer for major UK Offshore Wind Farm

By: Chloe Emanuel

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20/05/2024 Wood Thilsted

UK consultancy firm Wood Thilsted has been selected as the Front End Engineering Design (FEED) wind turbine foundation designer for the Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind project. This 1.5 GW offshore wind farm, located 33 miles off the Lincolnshire coast, will be one of the UK's largest upon completion, generating power for approximately 1.6 million homes.

The Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind project is a joint venture between TotalEnergies, Corio Generation, and Gulf Energy Development. In April 2024, the Planning Inspectorate accepted the Development Consent Order application for the project, which will feature up to 100 turbines. Power will be transmitted via underground cables from Anderby Marsh to a new substation at Surfleet Marsh, eventually connecting to the National Grid at Weston Marsh.

Currently in its development phase, the project aims to secure all necessary consents and complete surveys and engineering work to become operational by 2030. Wood Thilsted has already completed the first phase of work and will now proceed with the second phase of the FEED. Their role includes designing the primary and secondary structures, conducting detailed engineering studies, producing technical documentation, and cost modelling, all to minimize design and installation risks.

For more information about offshore wind farm projects across the globe, click here.

About the Author

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037 chloe.emanuel@tgs.com