Work to start for 'west Beta' connection with sandcastle

By: Chris Anderson

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25/08/2023 Tennet
On the Vliegerpad in Velsen, preparatory work will start next week (Monday 28 August) for the connection of the third offshore wind farm by grid operator TenneT; Dutch Coast (west Beta). In order to safely carry out the drilling under the dunes, contractor NRG will start as early as possible in the storm season.

A working area has been set up on both the beach of Velsen and in the Sculpture Garden A Sea of ​​Steel for drilling under the dunes. A drilling machine will be installed on both sites, which will drill towards each other underground under GPS control. Before both work areas can be set up, NRG will first prepare the Vliegerpad for the delivery of the equipment.

Supply of equipment
“All transport for the supply of equipment to the beach runs through the Tata Steel site, then a part of Reyndersweg and the last part over the Vliegerpad”, says Patrick Bakelaar, area manager for NRG. “On the part of the Vliegerpad that we need, we will remove the Stelcon plates and, in consultation with the municipality of Velsen, temporarily install a rubble pavement.”

'The Vliegerpad beach exit will remain open for beach visitors'

Design of work areas
Subsequently, the two work areas on either side of the dunes will be set up from September. Work area 1 (WKT1) is being realized on the beach of Velsen and work area 2 (WKT2) is located in the Sculpture Garden and Sea of ​​Steel on the other side of the dunes. These two areas of activity are the most eye-catching for the environment. WKT3 will be located on the site of Tata Steel and WKT4 will be set up within the fences of the transformer station on Zeestraat.

'Because there are now not four, but two sea cables, the temporary sandcastle on the beach of Velsen will be smaller'

Temporary sandcastle
Just as for the landfall of the sea cables for Hollandse Kust (north) and (west Alpha) at Heemskerk, contractor NRG is creating an elevated work area on the beach at Velsen. Patrick: “This is necessary to compensate for the difference in height on both sides of the dunes in view of the drilling. Because there are now not four, but two sea cables, the temporary 
'sand castle'  on the beach of Velsen will be smaller.”

Local sand extraction

This time, too, the sand required  for the temporary embankment will be extracted a little further from Zuiderbad. “We will start the excavations in September to ensure that the construction of the structure is completed on time. The sand is again transported by dump trucks that drive at low speed through the high water mark. For safety, these transports are escorted by a 4-wheel drive with employees who will alert beach visitors to the transport.”

Photo: sand castle on Heemskerk beach off the Dutch coast (north) and (west Alpha) winter 2021.

Sculpture Park

Also for work area 2 – which will be temporarily located in the Sculpture Park – according to Patrick, cyclists and walkers will have free passage during the work. “As before along the Meeuweweg in Wijk aan Zee, a work area will be set up on both sides of the path. For safety during the night hours, we install amber-colored lighting in consultation with the municipality that does not have a disruptive effect on the surrounding nature.”

About the Author

4C Offshore | Chris Anderson