Market & Technical Consultancy

Opportunities are great, but so are the risks.

Your business planning and business strategy must be based on facts, the best expertise, and most complete understanding of the market context and its progression. By cutting through the rhetoric we answer the questions you need answers to, enabling you to select appropriate strategies to take your business forward in uncertain times.

Facts can ruin a great theory. 4C Offshore has an unrivalled understanding of how Global Offshore Wind and Grid markets operate. We have the facts on the Offshore wind and Offshore power projects worldwide, and the respective supply chains. We plot the cable route, locate the wind turbine, track the ship, follow the news, read the planning applications and so much more.

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We maintain detailed information on:


Offshore Wind projects in 38 countries.


Specifically detailed areas.


Contracts with Key companies inc. developers, manufacturers, installers etc.


Offshore wind turbine models.


Construction vessels.


Crew transfer vessels.

  • Key installation Equipment
  • Power cable routes & landings
  • Converters
  • Substations
  • Seabed sediments
  • News and events
  • Government policy & legislation
Study into monopile/gravity base foundation manufacture and installation costs. c/w CAPEX & OPEX study.
Research into the value of the offshore wind market with relation to the company’s services c/w preparation of a presentation for the board of directors.
Competitor analysis, market perception and detailed forecast of demand for foundation design.
Turbine Manufacturing Expert opinion in support of legal proceedings relating to land use.
Research into current and future demand for specialist vessels used in the offshore wind sector – crew transfer, Service Operations, O&M jack-ups and cable lay vessels
For a client quantifying the DP2 cable vessel demand in the European Offshore wind market. Required analysis of European Offshore wind farm soils, water depths, project pipeline, planned and  likely start dates, trenching requirements and market.
Research into costs associated with offshore substations, converters and logistics/installation.
Detailed Analysis of European offshore wind jacket demand and competitor analysis
Investment risk analysis of European Manufacturer seeking investment. Due Diligence covering materials supply, material flow, sales pipeline, market competitors, current market demand, forecast demand, Political & Policy effects and new technology impact.
Ship Owner - 2012
Quantification of the regional supply chain opportunity during construction and O&M for a Round 3 offshore wind project. Required building a complex and detailed supply chain model identifying 762 sub categories of assembly/services.
Identify all major energy related infrastructure developments (2011-2030)inclu. preparing UK wide regionalised maps c/w reports detailing major T&D, Nuclear, renewable, carbon capture, underground coal, harbours & airport infrastructure projects. Also included Transportation, potable & waste water, sea & fluvial flood defences, waste management & resources.
Technical and market size knowledge of all Offshore wind farms due for construction in 2013 - 2015 to identify market requirement for cable trenching, cable stabilisation and/or protection. 4C developed an independent high level assessment of likely soil type and the range of suitable trenching equipment.
Detailed forecast of aggregates demand used in Foundation and cable protection. Identified scour likelihood and scour extent. Extensive use of 4C proprietary GIS systems and data, as well as combination of technical and commercial teams.